Hence, it did not help; although Tencent has the license to distribute PUBG in China and made the mobile adaptation, the game was initially developed by Krafton, formerly known as Bluehole, in South Korea, which is not one of the favorite countries of China. As the well-known media portal, Reuters quotes China Renaissance analysts who said that the famous battle royale game PUBG had approximately 70 million national players, which would have allowed Tencent to generate annual revenue from app purchases of between $1.18 billion and $1.48 billion. Hence, we all know very well that it is no wonder that Tencent is desperate to recover this income. While unable to obtain benefits from PUBG, the creator of the game Tencent has finally dropped and taken it out of China entirely. Instead, Chinese players get a government-approved replacement: ‘Game for Peace’; it is a PUBG with a patriotic skin, which focuses on the efforts of the Air Force of the People’s Liberation Army to fight terrorism.

Steps to Download And Install The “Game For Peace”

As PUBG players in China initially panicked when the news broke, “PUBG is gone” was one of the most watched topics on the Weibo social network, with more than 300 million clicks and close to 90,000 entries, but Starting Game for Peace, many were relieved to discover that the progress of PUBG had been transferred to a similar game, of course, Game for Peace.

However, the fact is that players have not legitimately mocked some of the rather silly commitments that have come to appease government censors. At the same time, the “Peace” part of the game is taken very literally. Despite many weapons in the great battle royale game, there is no blood in the new version.

How to download and install the “Game For Peace”?

First, you will have to create a second Apple ID, which implies that you have to make a backup of everything that you want to save. Within the iPhone settings, you must click on our Apple ID and “Close Session“. Then you will have to create a new Apple ID, in which you will have to use an email different from the one we previously used. After the above step, you simply have to create a password and verify the account through the mail you receive. After that, you have to create a unique Apple ID that has not yet been used in the iTunes Store. Once the registration process is complete, you must select the country or region of the App Store you want to access. Now you will have to select our country and region as China (Game For Peace is only available in China), and now you will be able to download this new PUBG Mobile.

That’s it; now you are done. So, what do you think about this? Share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below. And if you liked this post, do not forget to share this post with your friends and family.

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